Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How can I remove fat from my hips when I am thin everywhere else?

I seem to have these chubby hips when I am super thin.
I used to have this problem. What fixed it for me is power walking.Not running. Walking moves your hips actually more than running does because if you always have one foot on the ground then your hips are being moved all over the place. When you're running your hips go just as high as your legs. Power walk with your dog or by yourself. Mine went down a lot.
Milk is scientifically proven to slim down the waist line. DRINK MORE MILK!
i know an exercises that might help. you can lay on your side on the floor and raise your leg. do about 50, then switch legs. keep doing it everyday. do 25 more the next day, and keep adding on.

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