Wednesday, August 5, 2009

How can i lose my fat?

i am 14 years old i am 5'5" and weigh 155 pounds. and my thighs and stomach have too much fat on them(i think).what can i do to lose the fat and get down to my correct weight.and will losing the fat tone my buttock and everything else?all answers are appreciated.
Eat 6 small but balanced meals per day. Your carbs should be high in fiber and your proteins should be lean. Fats should be sparing but concentrated in the omega 3's and omega 6's. This will provide a slow but constant stream of vital nutrients. Avoid greasy foods, alcohol, and candy.Lift weights or perform power yoga because either of these will slightly increase your lean mass, which will burn extra calories 24 hours per day. This will increase your resting metabolic rate. Also, some cardio helps.Use a measuring tape instead of a scale to measure your progress because it is more accurate than the scale.Also, we cannot spot reduce so this will cause you to lose fat everywhere.Here is a sample workout and a sample meal plan:
Well I'll tell you what everyone has probably told you . There is no magic pill no quick fix ,and no money needed . Eat healthy do a ton of exercise and watch the pounds magically melt away . I mean really you had to ask ? I went from 350 lbs of crap to 180 solid in 8 months , with no drugs no magic cures its called life get used to it anything worth having is hard

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