Saturday, August 8, 2009

How can i lose weight off this area of my body?

i have very ugly and gross fat on my upper arms!! my forearms are normal, but fat hangs off the top lol sounds gross.. any ideas on how to get rid of it?
Doing cardio exercises will burn fat from all over your body. Do a search online for tricep exercises (there are several and most use a dumb bell) to tone that muscle back there. Depending on how big your arms were, you may or may not be able to completely firm that area...if you are left with more jiggle than you like, you may need the arm equivalent of a tummy tuck to remove excess flabby skin that won't tighten back up (as we age, it's harder to firm up).
You can't spot reduce! Get rid of more overall body fat, and this should shrink as well. Doing a ton of tricep stuff will just make the triceps bulge out under the fat, and make the fat stick out even more.
uhmmm thats weird....
everyone has itmy friend and i say yuu should excersize and lift weights :[
work out. focus on arm toning. that usually does the trick.

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