Saturday, August 8, 2009

How can I lose weigth fast, lets say a stone in three weeks?

What ever you do just don't do a stupid diet like the magazines print as you'll only end up feeling low and putting the weight on after. Firstly, make a list of all the bad things that you eat. Now, don't buy ANY of these foods! The best things you can be eating are salad, cous cous, fish, chicken and lots of fruit and veg. Try not to eat any white bread, white rice or white pasta. If you must have these then go wholemeal. If you plan your meals then you're more likely to stick to it too. Snacks - sticks of carrots, cucumber, peppers, any fruits, a few nuts, sultanas. The best thing to fill you up though is pure fruit smoothies (great for breakfast) and homemade soup. That way you won't feel like a snack for a good while after. Don't buy any ready made meals as they always contain high amounts of salt, sugar or carbs. If you make food from scratch then you know what's going in you. E.g. Kelloggs bran flakes are full of sugar! Eat porridge with chopped banana instead. The other key thing, EXERCISE! At least 30 mins of cardio per day is needed. Plus you must stretch before and after and drink at least 1.5 litres of water per day as this will stop you from dehydrating and will also help digest the food that you're eating. Lastly, one stone in three weeks will be very hard to achieve unless you've got loads to lose in which case it will drop off quicker. By eating healthily and exercising you should expect to lose at least 2 lbs per week, so it's more like half a stone that you'll lose. Although you will be looking more toned as you'll be working out too so don't concentrate on the number, just look at yourself naked in the mirror to see what's changed. My final point, keep it up! That way you won't need to speed diet again! Good luck :)
I'm not sure-been trying to do the same. Have you tried the kellogs diet? Other than that, I do not know.
Drink milk of magnesia with every meal. Eat what you want and sh*t yourself thin. Prunes only for dessert.
Cabbage soup diet.
If you find out, let us all know...
you need to be on a ballance diet. you could join one of those weight loss programs if u have trouble. and plenty of exercise. if u can get a personal trainer
let yore man have all he wants and can get, ha.''
Try one of the detox diets that are out there. They are not like a crash diet where you eat nothing, but make sure you eat a little and get healthier. Everything improves I found- skin, hair etc.
Follow this link for some ideas. increase your exercise levels by an extra 30mins a day- walk or swim, dance etc.
Hard work. Walking everywhere, cycling, fruit and veg in the diet, loads of water, and lots of running. No short cuts!
stop stuffing your face.maybe move about a bit.
in a healthy way? not at all. if you are not bothered about your health and yoyo effect then there are loads of ways
Lots of excercise and very very little food, must include lots of fibre!
Altenatively..The Master Cleanse 'lemonade' Diet, like a fast on this concotion of lemonade but if you stick to it will seriously see results.
Always Think Fit:First step in exercise is to always Think FIT. To make physical improvements, you need to work your body harder than usual. This is referred to as the overload principle. As your body becomes more conditioned, you need to increase the frequency, intensity, or time of your workouts in order to continue improving your fitness levelChoosing an Exercise:
The best exercise is an activity that you enjoy enough to really pursue enthusiastically.
鈥ndoor (Facility) Activities: If the treadmill, stairmaster, rowing machine or stationery cycle doesn't excite you, sample some group activities that strike your fancy. Participate in a group cycling class, beat stress with yoga, find balance with martial arts, stay cool with indoor swimming, or kick some you-know-what with boxaerobics.1. Change your eating habits (i.e. start eating smaller portions of food) before if you ate a full plate of food try eating 2/3 of a plate instead.
o Substitute aspartame for sugar
o Try eating 3 or 4 smaller meals during the day rather than 2 large ones
o Eat your main large meal at midday with the other meals much smaller in content
o Don't eat heavy meals late in the evening as the body wont have time to digest it so it ends up stored as fat in your body.
o Balance your meals out during the day so in one day you have a mix of protein, carbohydrate and vitamins
o Drink lots of water during the day and before, during and after exercise, you should drink at least 8 big glasses of water per 24 hours
o Drink alcohol in moderation
o Stop smoking if you smoke or cut down
o Eat more fibre i.e. pulses grains nuts, pasta, brown rice, cereals, fresh fruit
o Eat more vegetables as part of your diet
o Eat less dairy products or choose those with less fat content i.e. cottage cheese
o Try steaming or poaching food instead of frying it, frying adds calories by the bucketful
o Cut down on Red meat and eat more lean or better still chicken and fish instead
o Use low fat oils in cooking i.e. sunflower, corn or Mazola
o Cut down on your salt intake, there are hidden salts even in tinned foods
o Try substituting carrots or fresh fruit instead of biscuits and sweetmeat when you have a craving for something in between meals.
o Drink semi or skimmed milk as opposed to full cream
Simply choose a diet which is low in fat and cholesterol, moderate in sugar and salt and high in fibre but at the same time has a variety of everything thus making it a balanced diet.Calculate your BMR!!
BMR means Basal Metabolic Rate.It is used to estimate how many calories you should consume.By using a simple formula called the Harris-Benedict principle, you can assess your BMR.
Your BMR is the amount of energy your body needs to function.Then, to lose weight, you'll need to cut calories or burn extra calories and shoot for a level lower than the results you get with this formula.
We use about 60 percent of the calories we consume each day for basic bodily functions such as breathing.Other factors that influence your BMR are height, weight, age and sex.
Step One : Calculate your BMR with the following formula:
鈥omen: BMR = 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)
鈥en: BMR = 66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years)
Step two : In order to incorporate activity into your daily caloric needs, do the following calculation:
鈥f you are sedentary : BMR x 1.2
鈥f you are lightly active: BMR x 1.375
鈥f you are moderately active (You exercise most days a week.): BMR x 1.55
鈥f you are very active (You exercise daily.): BMR x 1.725
鈥f you are extra active (You do hard labor or are in athletic training.): BMR x 1.9
Create a Calorie Deficit:
In order to lose weight, you must create a calorie deficit. It is easier and healthier to cut back your calorie intake a little bit at a time.
Every 3,500 calories is equivalent to 1 pound.
If you cut back 500 calories a day, you will lose 1 pound per week.
If you exercise to burn off 500 calories a day you will also lose 1 pound per week.
Ideally, you should do a combination of both, (e.g. cut back 250 calories; burn an extra 250 calories).
For more useful information go to
read the following articles

How can i lose weight? im 22 and im shy to go the gym i have extremely problem with paranoia. HELP ME!?

I have the exact same problem! But what you have to realize is - NO ONE is watching you at the gym!! They have other things they need to worry about - like themselves. If you are paranoid about being at a co-ed gym, join a single gender gym (if you are female - somewhere like curves), or just start doing cardio on your own. Get some exercise videos, and do them at home, or go out and run! It took me a long time to get over my paranoia about the gym, but now i go 5-6 times a week, and who cares if there's other people there. Just think of it this way - are you watching other people at the gym? if not, they probably aren't watching you either!
Smoke a big fatty before you hit the gym. Trust me, you will not be paraniod at all.
It's a common problem for many people, I was shy to go to the gym too, so i got into a mostly self training program which I can do during work and at home.Some say eating less helps, however it is eating the right kind of food that helps. Pick up a self training program, I did, it worked. Lost about 30kg
Hi, of course, you should eat a healthy diet and make sure to get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. STAY AWAY FROM JUNK FOOD by all means! My recommendation as a substitute for the gym would be to try jogging in your neighborhood everyday.Check out for weight loss remedies and tips. Click weight loss on the left. Good Luck
Well I am a lot like you. I HATE going to the gym because I am afraid people are constantly judging me. Even though I am very thin, I am not the most masculine person in the world. There are different effective ways in which you can lose weight without going to the gym. You can job for 40 minutes around your neighbor hood. Most people are so preoccupied with their business that they won't notice you. However my favorite way to lose weight and have fun at the same time is to dance!! I love it and really works! Dance for 30 minutes a day to your favorite songs, and you will lose the weight! Good luck!
1-Dieting is really important (I know that sounds obvious, sorry, but some people don't seem to get it).. A lot of people think they just have to exercise to lose weight, and they wonder why they are staying at the same weight or even gaining weight. If you diet, it will happen sooo much faster.2-Don't be shy about going to the gym. People at the gym working out are not there to scrutinize others. They are there to work hard and get themselves in shape. If you feel like they're looking at you, it's because they have nothing else to do, it's not because they're judging you. That would be a very rare occurance. If anything, they will respect you for trying to get in shape. Once you go once or twice, you won't mind at all. Good luck. :)
No soda or sugar, no eating before bed, exercise at least 15 minutes every morning and before bedtime, eat fruit and vegetables at least 5 times throughout teh day, drink a glass of water when you get hungry, proper sleep helps you deal with proper body metabolism, DO NOT eat candy or other fattening stuff when you get nervous/depressed, get an exercise bike/ski machine/bowflex or whatever and put it in front of the TV and make a deal you only watch if you spend at least 10 minutes exercising for every hour you watch. Regular exercise daily is better than one or two trips to the gym a week, but unless you are going to become a reclusive cat lady, you have to get used to other people seeing you. Like it or not, it's a meat market out there, you have to learn to take pride in yourself, be confident, if you aren't happy with your body, work on it, don't be afraid to ask for help or guidance of people who work at teh gyms, or your medical professionals.
I had the same problem. The best thing that you should do if you are really interested in losing weight is to wear something that is comfortable to you and go to the gym when it first opens in the morning or go about 1 1/2 hours before it closes. Usually there is only a fraction of the people working out at those because they need to be home with their family. I have a 7 month old and I am still able to find time in the morning to go to the gym before my husband goes to work. You just have to be strong. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
I am going trew depression but when i went to a pychiatres and gave me mecation i felt better.Iadvise you to visit one and get hel i gues what you are describing sounds like social phobia or anxiety.i wish you the best.I can feel what you are what your going trew because iiv been there were you are
This might seem off the subject, but it's not. Check out the book, "Getting Unstuck" by Dr. Joy Browne. It will help you get over the paranoia of being shy. At least take a look at the book, I think you'll be surprised at how much it will help you. Good luck!

How can I lose weight? (I know it's a common one)?

I have been on diets since I was about 13 (I'm 18 now) and have never really achieved any significant drop in weight until I developed an eating disorder 2 years ago. I've tried every healthy diet I know of, I run every day, I train at Muay Thai for 4 hours a week (for just over a year)and am still overweight (I weigh about 166 and am 5'7") Is there anything I've not tried? because I'm getting really desperate to be normal.
find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)
Diet excersie
how on earth do u train 4hrs a week and still be overweight?i guess u need to change ur diet to a healthier one..
One way is do calories calulating. Count the calories you need daily and the consume the food that meet your needs. You can burnt extra calories off by exercise. The amount should not be lower than 1200-1500. Start by exercising more to burnt off the fats first with right amount of foodYour body has the mechanism to adjust. If you eat just nice, exercise will burnt off the fat. When the muscles are built, you will burnt more calories. Slowly when you get used to the amount of food you should be eating, stop counting the calories and stick to the diet plan.Good luck.
I LOVE food and ENJOY eating. This has caused me to become about 30 pounds over weight. Unfortunately, I too learned that I have an eating disorder (compulsive over eater). Like you, over several years I tried a billion diets. I also tried numerous weight loss gimmicks. All I did was lose weight and gain it back, and more. I realized that in order to lose the weight and keep it off I needed to figure out why I LOVE food and over eat, and then fix it.I read this great book called, "Taming of the Chew", which has helped me to solve and correct the problem. I highly recommend this book if you suspect that you may have a eating disorder of any kind. Without correcting an eating disorder problem, a person will never be successful at losing weight AND keeping it off.Now that I have solved and corrected my problem, Im ready to lose the weight and keep it off for good! To help me lose the 30 pounds I gained this is what I'm currently doing.A couple of weeks ago I heard about a weight loss drug called phentermine 37.5mg from a girl who lost about 25 pounds in 2 months using it. Her cousin lost about 50 pounds in 3 months using phentermine 37.5mg. Naturally I was interested in phentermine 37.5 mg and began to do some research on it. After my research I decided to give it a try.I ordered my phentermine (37.5 mg) on 4/19/07 from a website called I received my order in 6 days, 4/25/07. They do have express shipping if you want to receive your order sooner. I paid $199.00 for 90 pills, which is a 3 month supply. I know that sounds expensive, but I checked NUMEROUS web sites and this site seemed to have the best prices and also seemed to be a legit site. If you can get a prescription from your doctor it would be a lot cheaper. Unfortunately, my doctor refused to provide me a prescription because she said I was not obese and she only will prescribe phentermine to obese patients. I've been taking my phentermine (37.5 mg) since 4/26/07 and I can tell already that it's working!! Here are some of my results so far. I feel like I'm melting. My closes are fitting loser and when I look at myself in the mirror after I get out of the shower I look smaller. My phentermine came with instructions, which instructed me to take 1 pill per day in the morning 30 minutes prior to breakfast. I take my pill as soon as I get up and go to the gym about 30 minutes later. I feel so energized and have the best workouts then I have had in a long time. I am able to work out longer and harder. I eat my breakfast when I get home from the gym. I'm not hungry all day and have no cravings for sweets or bad foods like I normally would before I started using phentermine. Because I no longer have the bad cravings I eat healthy small meals throughout the day. Since I'm not hungry anymore, I'm probably consuming about 800-1000 calories per day. The only side effect I have experienced so far is dry mouth. The dry mouth causes me to drink a ton of water, which is great anyway for weight loss success. I'm now drinking about 80 ounces of water a day. Before phentermine I had to force myself to drink water and only drunk about 20-30 ounces a day.I'm very excited about this product. I believe I finally found something that will help me reach my weight loss goal.I help this was helpful to you. Good luck!!
At 166lbs you are better than normal, you are beautiful. Make sure that you put your health and not weight loss your goal. I know that everywhere you turn there seems to be a new gimmick, pill, or program for weight loss. Some promise you a better body in three minutes a day while also promote more realistic solutions, asking you to eat less, eat certain foods, exercise more, or take pills. Despite all of this you can lose weight. Here are some tips for you to lose weight and become healthier. Remember, weight loss does not happen over night. Regardless of what lies an infomercial has told you, you need discipline, time, patience, and dedication for weight loss. 1.Eliminate red meat from your diet, it stays inside of your body for over six days and causes belly fat.
2.Take Flax oil, it flushes your body of toxins and excess weight
3.Drink 8 to 12 Glasses of water
4.Go for a walk on your lunch break. If you are unable to fit it in, walk when you come home from work with your family or friend.
5.Drink 2- 3 cups of green tea per day it is a metabolism booster.
6.Eat five to six smaller meals per day. Eating breakfast is extremely important.
7. Eat grapefruit and citrus fruit they can natural help you eliminate body fat.
8. Go to the library or bookstore and check out a book on rhythmic breathing exercises. This can help you lose that stubborn belly fat by increasing fat oxidation and causing muscle contractions in your stomach. Although, these tips will help, I can tell you that when you are trying to lose weight, you will need something to fight the food cravings, burn excess fat, keep your mind and will focused, stay motivated, and feel fulfilled. When my patients come in for nutrition advice, I reccomend the B4A Extreme Weight Loss System. The system includes Hoodia and Soy Protein Supplements to suppress your appetite. A Green Tea Weight Loss Drink, customized fat burning workouts, and Pyruvate for fat burning, online counseling, scriptures. There are motivational tools for discipline and motivation. Plus, they give you online confidential assessments on how great you are doing and you get a variety of meal plans that includes every food you ever want to eat. There is no dieting and no restricted foods. There are no weekly weigh-ins. Moreover, there are no special foods you need to buy. Every thing is at your local grocer. Speaking from experience, I have several patients that have lost anywhere from 25lbs to 153lbs safely and quickly. The B4A Weight Loss System is available at wwwdiscoverb4acom

How can I lose weight?

I'm 16 years old. I'm 6'1. I weigh 140ish. I think. I want to lose more weight. I'm "skinny" but I want to be more skinnier. How can I lose weight? Exercise is out of the question because I hate exercise. Sometimes I just don't eat anything the whole day but I usually get cravings and give in. What I usually eat the whole day is like in the morning I eat something small such as some nuts or a little piece of cheese or whatever. With tea. And then during school I don't eat anything but then when I come home I eat something small again. I don't drink anything the whole day except water and tea. Blah. Lately, I've been thinking about eliminating my second meal which is the "small thing" that I eat when I come home from school. Should I just eat breakfast and nothing else? Please help! I need to lose weight!
wait!!!! hope you didn't listen to what the SECOND PERSON told you! you are already dead my friend if you have!!!!!!! cauz when you eat nothing at all, your body doesn't burn only fat to produce the energy it needs but it will burn your muscular and other tissue of your body... and then, your body will start to shout that you need vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins and fatty-cells to survive and you will start eating like crazy without knowing how it happened! start consuming less candy, chips, etc... if you feel hungry eat fruits and vegetables! drink as much water as possible! it's the 70% of your body and it will give you the feeling that you r full too, so you won't feel hungry the whole time! cellulite will be vanished too! if u have. and how about start walking to the supermarket even if it's 20m far from home? one hour of walking is good for the heart, works out the muscles of the feet and tummy and helps lose weight, too. or start dancing lessons! u will get to learn sth cool and work out!! but i'm warning u, you have to be patient! speeding things up is NOT the solution. especially ommiting meals.oh! and never eat just before you go to bed! good luck
If you want to lose weight, change your diet and exercise. Period.
this is gonna sound like a really bad answer
but to be completly honest, not eating gives you quickest results with losing weight.
i didnt eat for 11 days and lost about 9 1/2 pounds.
if you eat, eat in the morning only cuz then youll burn of those calories during the day.
but the thing is you cant let it get out of control, once you are satisifed start eating again but make sure its extremly healthy, small portions, adn your gonna have to exersise a little
You're not going to loose weight by not eating but one meal. Thats just going to lower your metabolism.
The best way to loose weight is to balance a reasonable diet so your not starving and exercise.
Eating several small meals every few hours while exercising is also a good way to loose weight.
hmmm Im 6'3 and Im 273 pounds my bodyfat is 17% I workout a lot eating less is actually worse for you because it slows down your metabolism I eat 5 times a day and I'm not fat at all (ie 17% bodyfat). if your 6'1'' and 140 pounds you are borderline underweight maybe you should consider being healthy not just "more skinny"
i think u should be confident and have Perseverance
if u want lose weight ,the most important is your Viewpoint about the question
u need to have a more Perfect Viewpoint about yourself.
think little about the food
best wishes
The small meals throughout the day kick up your metabolism and will help you lose weight. Eat in the morning,.if you're going to have a big meal it should be breakfast. Cheerios have more fiber than oatmeal. Have the nuts and cheese later in the day, have it at school or get a snack pack at the grocery store of dried fruits, dried tomatoes. You're still growing so you need to feed your body. When you're 20-ish the not wanting to do anything and how you eat is going to catch up with you. Exercise is another word for doing something active and breaking a sweat for 20 minutes a day.

How can I lose weight?

I am 14 and weight 113 and I am 5'5. The guys laugh what should i do?
find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried - no junk food.
if u wanna lose weight run do cardio exercise diet wat evryone says sit ups...
honey you are perfect! you dont have to lose weight you are already in shape! just make sure you maintain it. and anyways what kind of friends are you hanging out with.? people who are laughing at you arent worth your time.. TRUST ME
you dont need to lose any weight.
if anything..
then all you should be doing is eating right and go for an extra llittle walk everyday..
dont live life by what other people think..
but i know how you feel.
dont worry, espcally about boys..if your going to try to maintain a bettr shape then it needs to be for you..not for any boy..
from ur age and height and weight it looks that your not that heavy, thats a healthy weight for ur height, the main way of loosing weight, is doing cardio, running aroundd, playing sports n eating healthy
You don't need to lose any weight, but you can tone your body by walking, ride a bike do some situps and leg lifts or go swimming at your local pool. Eating more fruits and veggies and drinking more water and less sodas and gatorades or powerades. Just toning a defining where you are would change a lot.
You sound very healthy for you height and age. You don't need to lose any weight. If you want to track your calories you could try
Hi, if u r interested on losing ur weight. u may contact me as I can share wif u my personal experience. Let me tell a bit more of myself first. I'm 78kg before n rite now, after about 2 mths time, I'm now at 70kg. Trust me, no gimmicks or joke. I'm just like u before, even though no one laugh at me but they (even my closest person) will said that I need to go for diet cos I'm too big size then. I'm so sad inside my heart.

How can I lose weight?

Go to the doctor, see if maybe there is a medical reason for the weight. If not, then change your diet to a more healthy one. No pop, less sugar, more water, etc. I would suggest gradually cutting things out of your diet because doing it all at once is unhealthy. Remember, the faster you lose weight, the faster you will gain it back. And don't forget to have a great workout 3-4 times a week for 20-30 minutes. And make little ajustments.. parking further away from the store, walk to close enough places that you would normally drive to.. A little thing can make a HUGE difference.
You also have to exercise your mind. Get in the mindset to lose weight. Get it in your head. Remember, eat to live, don't live to eat!! Know when enough's enough and just eat until your satisfied!
don't eat.
cut off yuor stomach fat
Eat less
This is my diet plan, which works best for me, it wont necessarily work for everyone:I have an activia yogurt %26 a banana for breakfast around 8am, I then go for a 10 minute run. I have a small sandwich for lunch, usually tuna or turkey, no or little mayo %26 load it up with vegi's. Sometime between lunch and dinner I'll have something small, a fruit smoothie, some vegi's or another yogurt. Then for dinner I eat whatever I want, but I only eat untill I am satisfied, not untill I am full. I drink A LOT of water throughout the day, my favorite is the vitamin water.Be sure to take plenty of vitamins, get some excercise and watch your calorie intake. Avoid sweets, aside from the occassional reward. Most importantly, create a diet that works for you! Try eating smaller portions more often. Completely cut out unhealthy fast foods or trans fats, and limit your carbs.
I found an infallible way after not being able to eat because of lack of money .. Stop eating !!!
Can only speak from my experience...after having tried out about any kind of diet on the market I decided to change my life style...i.e. get moving...its the only way to start...start slowly with a kind of exercice you like and try to do more every week - change your eating habits - less fat, less sweets, replace chips and sweets with your favorite fruit and vegi, drink drink...for me, plain water works the best or teas, cold or warm, coffee is ok too - acc. to the latest studies - light vegi-soups - homemade of course , so you know what you are eating - they taste much better than the canned stuff and you can cook plenty and put it in the freezer...just simply reduce your food intake and be aware of every little bite you put in your mouth.But most important - YOU HAVE TO WANT IT.or it won't work. I lost 30 Kilos like that but I took me more than a year...and even better.I have not gained weight again since my eating habit has changed and I only eat, when I am hungry and just watch what I am eating, always asking myself - DO I really need that? And once a week I allow myself some goodies - with no guilty-feeling. So. Good luck to all - you can do it, if you really want...!!
You might think about trying this book called "The Movie Star Diet" by Steve Simmons. It helped me lose thirty pounds in 2 1/2 months when I didn't think anything would work. My goal to begin with was only 20 lbs! It has a really easy plan to follow and an excellent workout as well.
Get a check-up iwith your doctor if you haven't had one in a while. If dieting and exercise are okay for you, then find a routine that works for you. As far as exercise goes, find something that you LIKE to'll stick with it if you enjoy it. Whether it's walking or going to gym, by yourself for some "me" time or with a buddy, find something that you can do most days of the week.Diet-wise, again, you have to find something you can stick with. I've found that a low-sodium vegetarian diet has helped me lose wieght, and has also helped some medical problems.

How can I lose weight?

I am 5'7 and weigh 75kgs( 165lbs) I am playing tennis 3 times a week and excersising on an Orbitrek 20 mins a day 3 times a week. How long will it take me to loose 10kgs? I am really not seeing any progress and I have been doing this for 2 months now. I drink more than 2litres water per day . I eat healthy food and take in about 5000kilojoules per day
I also used to exercise and jog every weekend but it did little to reduce my weight. But what did I do to lose 10 lbs. in 2 weeks? I didn't eat breakfast. I don't know if it's unhealthy or anything but it's darn effective. At any rate, reduce your food intake -- it's the fastest way to lose weight. Lesser carbs too.
Simple, in order to lose weight, you have to limit what you eat, and no cheating.The important things are will power and motivation.
hmmm... what i did then was I eat half of the amount of food i always eat then. always exercise every morning also... that'll work!
There is no doubt that you have lost have gained muscle mass.
Keep up the good work!
Stop counting calories, instead control your carb intake,once you cut back drastically in carbs, you`ll shed weight
the best diet not eating unnessaries think like candies and mc donals.

How can i lose weight?

I need help here..
okay i want to lose weight fastAny ideas??
Well you could work out 3 times a week, but I have a source you can look at. It helps lose weight.
My family and I have been using the best cleansing technology...:)the first time I did it, I lost 13 pounds in 9 days:). www. cleansewithcgnj. comIt will change your life:)
Breakfast - Slice of toast with butter
Snack - none
Lunch - Small thing eg sandwich or small portion of normal
Snack - something light eg small chocolate bar
Dinner - as normal (has to be different to lunch)
Drinks - what normally have but DON'T CUT BACK
good luck
I lost stone in 2weeks
Have a reasonably set goal (x amount of pounds to lose) each week and monitor it, stick to your diet, and exercise. Soon, in a matter of weeks, you will feel better and "look" better too.
Watch your carb intake as well as your calorie intake eat 3-4 small meals a day and minimal exercise. Eating a well balance diet helps.
just exercise, watch what you eat, i lost 20 pounds in two months, i jog hour a week, did kickboxing twice a week, 1hr20min each session, and went to group training twice a week 20mins each. and i eat practicaly every two hours. do what works for you, i kept it up for two months and i went from a size 22 to 16 now, so im happy, i wish to lose 50 more pounds in the summer
find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)
You need to cut out as much sugar as possible. That includes eliminating anything white: bread, flour, cheese, rice. You need to cut out all the sugar in drinks too, where they are hiding. Stop eating carbs at dinner. Instead, eat high fiber cereal or oatmeal for breakfast, which will keep you feeling more full during the day. Eat smaller salads at lunchtime with grilled fish or chicken. Dip salad in an oil %26 vinegar dressing or balsamic vinegrette. Snack on unsalted almonds and yogurt. Exercise daily.

How can i lose weight?

how can i lose weight quickly? and gain more muscle on my arms and legs
eat right, drink water, and work out with weights. strength training exercises are best.
lift weights
drink apple cider vinegar- raw, unfiltered kind with the "mother" in it-- preferab;y Bragg's-- one tablespoon in 8oz water before each meal
1200 calories a day
cardio to lose the wieght ,weights to build muscle
Negative calories + high protein diets.Onions and Garlics
Ingredients: * 1/4 cup ketchup
* 4 tablespoons Splenda
* 4 tablespoons apple vinegar
* 1 onion
* 1 1/2 teapoon salt and pepper
* 2 tablespoons of Canola oil
* 1 egg white
Instructions:Chop the onion to small pieces, then put all the ingredients to food processor or blender. Mix it until it's all blended.And work out regularly, for legs you can do what Miss Indiana 2004, Sarah didSarah Wiley, Miss Indiana 2004Instead she wore jeans and sweatshirt and go swimming.She did the swimming for 30 minutes and she claimed that the result came within a week. She did scissors kick to swim between pool side to the shallow part of the pool back and forth.
I know its not what you want to hear but consistent diet and exercise will give you what you are looking for. It may not be as quick as you like but most who quickly loose weight, quickly gain it back. As far as exercise I would say get a gym membership if at all possible. If you want muscle you have to do more weight and less reps. If you want tone and definition you have to do less weight and more reps. As far as diet I would recommend taking a multivitamin because most of our society is overfed and undernourished. For the vitamin I take it I would have to buy about 110dollars in food a day to replace it. You can contact me if you want to talk further but that is a short summary.
Ken Seavert
If you are really interested in losing weight then this is the diet that works fast. In addition it is a detox diet, so you are cleaning out your system as well as losing weight. None of the vital food sources are left out.If you are serious about losing weight then search the web for 'cabbage soup diet'. There are a few variations of the cabbage soup itself so pick the one with the ingredients you prefer and then follow the seven day plan, which is the same for all of them. It works, I know because I use it every now and again. (And have been for many years) Mainly after Christmas. And don't worry, you don't ONLY eat cabbage. You lose 5kg+ in one week. (+- 11 lbs) but obviously only if you follow it strictly! (And drink lots of water!) Exercise regularly to increase weight-loss.Don't forget that this IS a Diet and not meant to be continued for weeks on end. After you have lost the weight required you must evaluate your eating/exercise habits and make consequent changes if you don't want to gain it back.In order to build muscles you need to lift weights and do resistance exercises.
Walking/running is not going to do it. You will tone your muscles but not necessarily build them up, which is what I think you are after.
Good luck
#1- Eat healthy, small meals 5-6 times per day. Make sure you get a healthy protein source with each one. Lots of veggies too!
#2- Drink water, Drink water, Drink water!! 3litres/day!! Two glasses in the morning before you do anything!!
#3- Exercise daily for at least 20 minutes -and vary your routine. Include strengh training- as you build muscle you burn way more calories-even at rest!! Try to do this an hour before breakfast for best results.(get up, have your water,exercise,shower etc. then eat breakfast)
#4- Get your proper rest. Believe it or not, this plays a part in weight loss.
Don't forget to give yourself a treat- one day a week can be your free day where you can indulge in your favorite food!
Please don't skip meals to lose weight!! This actually slows your metabolizim down causing you to gain!!
Good luck!

How can i lose weight?

I ate healthy meals, exercised, but no result, please tell me guys what to do?
Hi, it's not necessary ate healthy meals or exercised.
Most effective - Lida Daidaihua diet capsules. It works right away to suppress your appetite and melt away your excess body fat. Only one pill a day and in 30 days you will see an amazing difference.
Smaller meals. Less carbs. Drink at least 2litres of water a day. Jog or ride a bike everyday!
Read the book "Eat right for your blood type" and follow the suggested recommendations. I know people who lost weight using this diet.
Also have your doctor check on your thyroid and glucose sensitivity. Have a lab work done. Best is work with a naturopath. Good luck
its not always just about eating healthy and exercising have you thought about exploring other diets
because certain diets only work for certain people
like some people might need protein and no carbs to lose weight and in some people it might just be cutting down your portion size?
and sometimes it can also be the exercise that you are doing some exercises are not right for your body type and can actually do more harm than good.
hope this helps
5 years dietitian experience
a yogurt diet helps honestly. nothing but yogurt and water for about 4 days and you'll notice a difference.
I am going to give you the bottom line, forget diets, just do the following:Eat less but make it graduall. for example, you like to eat five hamburgers for lunch every day. Start eating 4.5 burgers for luch every day untill 10 days--do not deprive yourself, do it slow. then cut down to 4 burgers for 10 days and so on.Just eat less very slowly, you may cheat sometimes, but be careful--this is a long term process, but it is easy and not depriving.You will not feal that you are missing the extra food, as a matter of fact you will reac h a point were eating 2 hamburgers will be as enjoyable if not more than eating 5.Try not to eat late at night, you can, but try not too. the more you devote the better, but DO NOT DEPRIVE.I am living proof---I lost 30 pounds within a year and a half, Goog luck
First find out the reason for your weight loss. If not required, donot venture into unwanted methods. If for medical reasons, consult the doctor and use approriate methods to reduce your weight.
could be eating smaller portions too. I know hunger can be an issue. Thats what hapened to me. I took the hoodia challenge (hoodia is a big thing thats all natural and helps curb your appetite.)
here is a link to it on THE TODAY SHOW: here is a report on CBS about hoodia: figure if it has national attention, it must be doing something. turns out africans used it from a plant for appetite control even in africa where FOOD IS SCARCE.anyways i tried it and lost over 50 lbs in six months. I took the hoodia challenge (4 months and you get 2 months for is their website for the 6 month discount... this helps you out and good luck
also, instead of 3 large meals, break it up into 6 smaller meals, or 3 light meals with snacks in between. This helps with metabolism. Also eat lighter before bed. Since when you sleep you burn less so you should avoid leaving your body "left over calories"... they LOVE going to hips, tummy, and chin.Your biggest meal should be breakfast or when ever you are going to be working hardest during the day
losing weight doesn't have a fixed formula for everyone. It depends on your body. different body - different method. But each body needs all of its nutrients. Never starve your body of a particular nutrient. try to eat a balanced diet and keep watch on the calories intake. Eat carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals all in moderation. just eat less of the fats and carbs and don't neglect them completely. eat a heavy breakfast (do not gorge) , a moderate lunch and a light dinner. And it seems you have already taken care of the fatty stuff like ice-creams, fastfood and chocolates etc. Keep it up.
Once you're eating right start excercising. Do what suits you. Pick any workout from- aerobics, jogging, running, going to the gym, dancing or yoga. But make sure whatever you do must be regular and for a stipulated time period. Gradually increase the intensity of your workout. Choose something you enjoy.
Drink loads of water. It cleans your body system, lends a glow to your skin and certainly fills your stomach making you less hungry.
And remember losing weight takes time. Even I wish it would be as easy as pushing a button, but i guess that's just not the way it works, Hope you can keep patient and give yourself time. All the best
I think the Atkins diet had part of the answer. As I understand it, it was designed to put your body into 'Ketosis'. To explain (as I understand it - I am not a doctor) - when you eat food with more energy value than your body needs at that time it stores it as fat (wich is pretty sensible really). Later when your body is needing energy, it first takes it from the sugar in your blood, then if there is not sufficient energy in your blood, your body takes it direct from your fat reserves (Ketosis).
So Ketosis is a very desirable state to keep your body in when you want to lose weight. The thing is - some foods (carboydrates) convert very easilly to energy in your blood - so if you are constantly eating carboydrates your body never exhausts the energy from your blood, and therefore doesnt go into Ketosis. The Atkins diet was a low (or no, I forget wich) carbohydrate diet designed to put your body into Ketosis. The problem with the Atkins diet, I think, is that it is complex to purchase the ingrediants and make the meals - not easy when you are busy. Here in Australia a Chemist named Tony Ferguson (I have no connection) came up with a much simpler way of putting your body into Ketosis. He sells sachets containing the essential nutrients you need that mix to make milkshakes that you have for breakfast, and lunch. Through the day he recommends drinking a couple of litres of water (like a glass an hour or so), and a piece of fruit for a midmorning, and again for a midafternoon snack. For the evening meal you would have protien (eg steak) the size of the palm of your hand, plus a salad with low carb dressing. The trick is to keep the carboydrates in your diet below a certain level (I think 5 per 100g). If you do after 2 days your body will go into Ketosis. If you go over the carb limit it will take 2 days from that point to get back into Ketosis. Males would lose approx 9kg a month on this diet, and I have seen this happen with a friend. If you are in the USA I do not know if an equivalent product is available. If not you could still work out the principles involved and try and adapt diet milkshakes available in the supermarkets in line with it. Perhaps you can order online. The website for Tony Ferguson is
Just how much are you overweight anyways? There's all sorts of treatment that you can try, slimming tea, low carb etc. Also review yr definition of healthy meals. Or the quantity etc
Get some tips here:
have regularly triphala powder decoction with honey in empty stomachehow to prepare
soak 5gm triphala powdwer in 400ml of water for sixhr and boil it up to 100ml then filter it add one spoon honey and have it
Obesity has become a major health problem around the world. Many companies have brought diet pills, medicines, powders and weight-loss belts in the market. Though these products claim to aid weight-loss, the weight reduction is temporary. Besides, the pills and powders can adversely affect your health. Here we offer you some tips to reduce weight successfully, without any negative health effects.1 Reduce fat intake
2 Reduce intake of sugar:
3 Reduce quantity of food without going hungry
4 Raise the amount of physical activity
5 Improve your metabolism by eating natural foods:
If you want to loose weight fast excersice alone will not help you. May me you have to weight for 5 to 6 months. if your health condition is normal like if you don't have any high blood pressure and heart disease and thyroid problem then you can take best fat burner like xenadrine hardcore, hydroxycut hardcore, SAN tight. with your excersice you can loose weight easily like 10 to 12 kg in a month and if u do diet like avoid rice for 2 months but u can eat ocasionally u can loose 15 to 17 kg in a month i am sure. hoodia is just to suppress appetite not to loose weight lot. Don't buy any other local sliming tablet those are just to supress appetite or to control weight.
maybe you are undereating...
find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)

How can I lose weight, quick!?

I weigh about 220 pounds, 6'2, and i really need to lose weight by friday!! HELP!!
Okay...go to a gym or run outside do a 4 mile jog each night and jog for 6 minutes walk for 2 minutes through the complete 4 miles..Do 100 crunchs of sit ups...each night in sets of 25.%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;to make those abs tight....hope it what you eat.but DONT STOP eating only eating three helathy meals a day...
You must be bored, too. .
Friday is like 3 days away. Losing weight does not happen that quick. You can lose about 2 pounds in a week if you do some hard cardio and eat right. If you lose anymore then 2 pounds a week, you will lose muscle which you don't want to happen. Losing a good amount of weight takes time and a good non-junk food diet.
I am sorry to say this but there is no way to lose any significant amount of weight SAFELY by Friday. At most you should be losing 1-2 pounds a week. Your best bet is to stick to the tried and true method of low carb (but NEVER 'no carb'!) diets and 60 minuets of exercise 3-5 times a week. Best of Luck!
a diet will be good

How can i lose weight(about 8-10 kgs) in two months?

i work out everyday at the gym and control my diet but i want quicker results.
find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)
Slow and steady is best for health, but more cardio if you don't do much, or more muscle toning if you don't do much of that should help. reducing fat or carbs will help.
Eat healthier food exercise and don't drink pop
eat more veggies and protein... no carbs
1. stop drinking all soda softdrinks (keep to water and juice)2. cut back to 1/2 portion for food eaten at meals, especially when dining out. If you feel hungry all the time due to the 1/2 portions, have a mid-morning %26 mid-afternoon snack of yogurt, crackers, and fruits. 3. no fast foods.4. absolutely no food after 8pm.5. if you are not an active person, add 15-30 minutes of brisk walking or other forms of aerobic exercise a day. Work out until you give out a good amount of will work!~ good luck.

How can i lose weight without having to go to the gym?

i weigh 15st and suffer from fybromylgia, high blood pressure most of the slimming tablets on the market are not good for someone with high blood, i cant go without eating as im on medication have to eat before taking my meds, i cant go to the gym coz everytime i go i suffer for it, every bone in my body aches for a week after that. im not putting on any weight have been 15 stone for the past 4 years i need to lose at least 3stone..please help
swim swim's the only way. the water supports your body and you can build up your pace. have a chat with your doctor. they should know of a course or class for those of us with weight issues or perhaps a private pool may have info. you are not alone with your problems and there is much help for you if you look for it. get your practise nurse earning her money and helping you. if you feel they are talking down to you..just say hey I'm here for your professional help not your personal opinion...less energy in more energy out is the only way but take it didn't get to 15st over night so it won't come off quick either. try losing 3lbs first forget the stones. a small change continued everyday is better than too big a change and giving up. Good luck and be kind to yourself. You are worthy of help and support..M
increase your daily activity level and eat less.
stick to the gym, after bout 2 weeks ur bones and muscles will get used to the added stress ur putting on them, other than that stop eating fatty foods and maybe go on a diet, u cant just expect it to happen itself u gotta do somethin about it.
just walk more
good luck
The reason you ache after you go to the gym is because you are not cooling down properly by doing stretches for at least 10 mins. Try it again. But exercise is only part of the equation. You also need to cut down on food and eat less than 2000 cals per day.
Slowly try and increase the amount of walking you do and get a pedometer as its nice to see your success measured. Go for it and good luck.
there's 50 million different ways to lose weight, but the only ones that work are a well balanced diet, proper exercise and 8 hours of sleep every day, and drink plenty of water. Ask your doctor what type of exercise you can do, and have him put you on a diet. Once you get in the groove you will feel better about yourself and happier...good luck to you
if u want lose weight without having to go to the gym than use the best of Medicine Please see the web pages for more details and images on lose weight
Im going to put this simply...
Eat healthy and do some exercises in your living room. Or rent a pilaties DVD or Video?
you can walk for an hour everyday, what they call leisure walks and try the Atkins diet.
Good Luck
Join a sports group that meets weekly, doing something you enjoy.
Cycling, swimming, hiking, squash, tennis, badminton etc. etc.
You'll enjoy it, make friends, lose weight and get fit and healthy.
Local activities centre will have details.Gyms are a waste of time and money, and a scam. Unless you are doing a specific training to improve a specific area of your SPORTING life.
Treadmills and Bikes ..please! You get that stuff for free and it's fun by going OUTSIDE.(and I don't want any sad losers telling me about 'structure' and 'group support', and if you mention the convenience of buying 'power-shakes' and 'vitamin supplements' you better be untraceable).
wether you like it or not,if you want to loose weight you have got to exercise. of cos your body is in bits cos its not used to it and when you dont warm up and cool down properly before n after training then it gets even worse, id stick to the gym and ask an instructor for help and advice and you will soon realize its getting better. if you just eat less then you might loose a bit of weight but its more likely muscle tissue than fat
Walking is the best.
In the Middle Ages and late Renaissance the noble females were not going to gym, but rather were having a walk. All the preserved parks next to the castles prove the story. An hour of walk per day, at least 5 times a week!This is the best one can afford. Good luck! And enjoy your walks...
I lost 105 pounds in 6 months. Here is how I did it.
1. Every morning get up and walk for 45 minutes. You can start with less time, but you want to get up to 45 minutes, and it must be fast walk. You want your heart rate to go up. It must be in the morning, it kick starts your metabolism.
2. I cut out Red Meat, and fatty foods. Boneless skinnless chicken breast, baked, or grilled, rice and vegetables (steamed).
3. Eat half. Just eat half of what you normally eat. Put 1/2 on your plate, and put the rest away. Cook less. When you go to fast food, get salads only. Or grilled chicken. No fries, only diet soda. Or water.It will work, once you get into a routine, you will get hooked on the results, and you will keep the routine. It has been over a year for me. Also start counting your calories. Write them down. You would be amazed as to how much more aware you are of your caloric intake, if you actually write it down. We recently discovered a site that offers a great program that counts calories, as well as keeps track of everything. It allows multiple users, so everyone in the family can keep track. They offer a free 7 day trial, and so far I am very impressed with the product. Try the 7 days and see. It allows you to add the exercise that you do during the day, which increases the amount of calories you can take in. Very Cool!!
http://www.calorieking.comA sight with some really cool diet calculators and interesting calorie counting calculators is here. Check it out. out my before and after pic at my yahoo 360 page motivated, and get up and walk every day. I seriously lost all my weight starting off my day on my walk. Good LUCK!
Always Think Fit:First step in exercise is to always Think FIT. To make physical improvements, you need to work your body harder than usual. This is referred to as the overload principle. As your body becomes more conditioned, you need to increase the frequency, intensity, or time of your workouts in order to continue improving your fitness levelChoosing an Exercise:
The best exercise is an activity that you enjoy enough to really pursue enthusiastically.
鈥ndoor (Facility) Activities: If the treadmill, stairmaster, rowing machine or stationery cycle doesn't excite you, sample some group activities that strike your fancy. Participate in a group cycling class, beat stress with yoga, find balance with martial arts, stay cool with indoor swimming, or kick some you-know-what with boxaerobics.1. Change your eating habits (i.e. start eating smaller portions of food) before if you ate a full plate of food try eating 2/3 of a plate instead.
o Substitute aspartame for sugar
o Try eating 3 or 4 smaller meals during the day rather than 2 large ones
o Eat your main large meal at midday with the other meals much smaller in content
o Don't eat heavy meals late in the evening as the body wont have time to digest it so it ends up stored as fat in your body.
o Balance your meals out during the day so in one day you have a mix of protein, carbohydrate and vitamins
o Drink lots of water during the day and before, during and after exercise, you should drink at least 8 big glasses of water per 24 hours
o Drink alcohol in moderation
o Stop smoking if you smoke or cut down
o Eat more fibre i.e. pulses grains nuts, pasta, brown rice, cereals, fresh fruit
o Eat more vegetables as part of your diet
o Eat less dairy products or choose those with less fat content i.e. cottage cheese
o Try steaming or poaching food instead of frying it, frying adds calories by the bucketful
o Cut down on Red meat and eat more lean or better still chicken and fish instead
o Use low fat oils in cooking i.e. sunflower, corn or Mazola
o Cut down on your salt intake, there are hidden salts even in tinned foods
o Try substituting carrots or fresh fruit instead of biscuits and sweetmeat when you have a craving for something in between meals.
o Drink semi or skimmed milk as opposed to full cream
Simply choose a diet which is low in fat and cholesterol, moderate in sugar and salt and high in fibre but at the same time has a variety of everything thus making it a balanced diet.Calculate your BMR!!
BMR means Basal Metabolic Rate.It is used to estimate how many calories you should consume.By using a simple formula called the Harris-Benedict principle, you can assess your BMR.
Your BMR is the amount of energy your body needs to function.Then, to lose weight, you'll need to cut calories or burn extra calories and shoot for a level lower than the results you get with this formula.
We use about 60 percent of the calories we consume each day for basic bodily functions such as breathing.Other factors that influence your BMR are height, weight, age and sex.
Step One : Calculate your BMR with the following formula:
鈥omen: BMR = 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)
鈥en: BMR = 66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years)
Step two : In order to incorporate activity into your daily caloric needs, do the following calculation:
鈥f you are sedentary : BMR x 1.2
鈥f you are lightly active: BMR x 1.375
鈥f you are moderately active (You exercise most days a week.): BMR x 1.55
鈥f you are very active (You exercise daily.): BMR x 1.725
鈥f you are extra active (You do hard labor or are in athletic training.): BMR x 1.9
Create a Calorie Deficit:
In order to lose weight, you must create a calorie deficit. It is easier and healthier to cut back your calorie intake a little bit at a time.
Every 3,500 calories is equivalent to 1 pound.
If you cut back 500 calories a day, you will lose 1 pound per week.
If you exercise to burn off 500 calories a day you will also lose 1 pound per week.
Ideally, you should do a combination of both, (e.g. cut back 250 calories; burn an extra 250 calories).
For more useful information go to
read the following articles
By using The Heart Foundation's 'So You Want to Lose Weight for Good' Guide it is possible to lose that amount of weight without having to go to the gym or going on faddy diets or starving yourself. The Heart Foundations recommended healthy eating guide and excercise tips are great for averyone wanting to lose weight and is especially good if you have underlying health problems, arthritis or are generally just totally unfit. The Guide helps you with sensible healthy changes to eating habits and lifestyle which help you to look better, feel better long-term. See the Heart Foundations website for more info or ask your local doctor's surgery or health clinic to get you a copy. Good luck.
Nope, or at least not in a sustained way. 2/3 of people who diet without exercises will be heavier in the medium term than when they started to diet!

How can i lose weight without exercising or dieting or cutting out my beer drinking?

I have gout and i drink more than i should and don't get out much, but ever since i was a child i was over weight i need some kind of pill that will change my metabolism, is there something that can help me?
Could you switch from beer to wine? Beer has lots of calories and causes belly fat.There are two all natural diet pills that are safe and have no side effects. They are Cha de Bugre and Hoodia Gordonii. Cha de Bugre, is a new weight loss supplement that is growing in popularity and is similar to Ma Huang (Ephedrine) without any of the bad effects. Cha de Bugre is from Brazil and has been used there safely for centuries. Cha de Bugre provides energy, fat burning and appetite suppression that benefit weight loss. Cha de Bugre also has additional uses that are known in Brazil that include being used as a mild diuretic, a cellulite reducer, aides in reducing herpes simplex outbreaks and a heart tonic. You can find more about it at Gordonii is a natural appetite suppressant derived from a South African cactus that the bushmen have eaten there for thousands of years. You need to make sure you get a strong pure hoodia that is certified to be genuine. Check out Totalink's unbiased Hoodia comparison at in the "Confidence" column it will indicate if the brand is "Certified". These Hoodia brands have the credentials to back up their product. Also in that column it will indicate if the brand is "Returnable". These Hoodia brands allow you to return opened bottles and get your money back. I think this indicates that a company has confidence in their product that it works.Keep in mind that Hoodia Gordonii alone provides appetite suppression but not fat burning. Cha de Bugre is a fat burner but not as good as hoodia with appetite suppression. There are also brands that mix Cha de Bugre with Hoodia Gordonii and other weight loss herbs like Green Tea that can increase both fat burning and appetite suppression. I have written a lot of articles on Hoodia. Just search Yahoo or Google under my name “Andrew Aitaken” to find them.Remember, you should always consult your physician before taking any diet pill or weight loss supplement.
Just hope on your metobolism
With all those restrictions...
the only thing left is to make love to your wife for at least an hour every day. Vigorously.
You could cut off your head...
you cant, no pill will deal with that, god what a creep
You don't.
Cut off your legs and left arm. You can drink just as much with one arm but you'll weigh quite a bit less. Your gout won't bother you at all either.
dude your gunna die , if you keep living like this. trust me drinking is alot more fun when you have girls falling all over u and ur rock hard body , go hit the gym for an hour in the morning , for like 3 days a week , and at nite you can drink as much as you want.
you don't need to exercise (although it's good for you), but you do need to cut your calories unless you want surgery.
If you really wanted to lose weight you would cut down on your drinking and attempt to incorporate some type of exercise program into your routine. Swimming is a great way to do it and has low impact on your joints.
Hate to break it to ya but if it was that easy we would all be skinny and in shape. But just a 30 minute walk a day will help. You'd be surprised what is considered to be exercise.
I think you didn't want lose your weight.
Gastric banding

How can I lose weight without cutting down on what I eat?

I've tried cutting down on sweets, but it just never works. I always make up some excuse. How can I lose 10 pounds if I weigh 180 without cutting down on what i eat too much. I don't want to hear about weight loss pills or surgery.
Well, if you don't want to cut back on what you eat, then the diet process is going to be slower, and you need to excercise more than the people who are willing to cut back on food.If you're going to try to cut back on what you eat, dont cut back drastically in a short period of time. Just start eating less each day.Some of the mistakes people make is that they say "Yes. im going to do it this time. Lose ten pounds! Yea! " and they just suddenly start eating nothing but salad. Then, they get hungry and end up stuffing.So just cut back little by litte, and it will gradually cut back on how much you eat.Same with excercising. Gradually,, little by little.
There is only one way that your body will lose weight. You have to burn more calories than you take in. have two basic choices. Either decrease the amount of calories you are taking in, or increase the amount of calories you are burning. Don't be taken in by claims of people who tell you that you can take their product (whatever it is) and lose weight without dieting OR exercise. They are lying to you!. Probably the best way to lose weight would be to start to make healthier food choices and begin to exercise - doing both a little at a time. Seek out people who can help you and give you support. It will be easier to do it that way than on your own. Good luck and best wishes.
You can eat the same amount, just make them healthier choices. Have a fruit salad rather than a bag of chips, and youve automatically cut a lot of calories and made a huge difference nutritionally. Find healthy replacements for the foods that you eat (switch from white bread to wheat, whole milk to skim, etc etc)

How can I lose weight while pregnant?

I know the average is like 15-30 lbs in pregnancy weight gain...but I was trying to lose weight before I found out. I got to a 160 (5'10'') from 130 in like 6 months cause of school and work. Now, Finding out i'm 6 weeks, i don't want to end up at like 200 lbs in the end of my pregnancy.
How can i lose weight healthy without affecting my pregnancy OR how can I keep it that this will be my constant weight since technically I should've been back at 130?Any ideas? I really don't wanna get to 200 lbs.please help!
find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose- considering that you are pregnant - women need about 300cal more so dont take off any calories of maintaining weight number
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)
Do a lot of walking. I know it's not easy, especially in the later stages, but it's a great way to burn calories without doing intense gym work outs. Also, once you have the baby, walking with the stroller is a really good idea because you will probably enjoy it as well as the baby. Of course you will have cravings, and those are hard to beat, but try to keep some sweet stuff like sugar free puddings and baked chips in the house (if you eat that kind of stuff). Good luck, and congratulations on the baby! :)
All I can say is exercise and healthy diet.But I would not suggest you try to lose weight just maintain what you have already and eat healthy and exercise. Walking and drinking lots of water. You can also do light aerobics. It will help so that you don't put on so much weight and make it easier for you after pregnancy. But please don't starve yourself or do anything that could take away from your baby. It will come off easy after pregnancy as long as you start a good routine now and eat right. :) Congrats!
You cannot safely lose weight while you are pregnant. At every pre-natal visit you will be weighed to be sure you are gaining weight appropriately. You can still make healthy food choices while you are pregnant to keep from gaining excessive weight. There is information about nutrition during pregnancy in the What to Expect...Book.
After the baby is born there are lots of things you can do to lose the "baby weight" and pre-baby weight...
It is not healthy to lose weight while pregnant. You can do things like walk and drink plenty of fluids but it is not safe to try to lose weight on purpose until after the baby is born. The reason that people gain weight is because the baby is depending on you for nourishment for growth. If you want a healthy baby, I would suggest waiting it out. Is your physical appearance really worth putting your child in jeopardy for?
i bought a pregnancy work out dvd from big w .. it is called aussie fit, and the dvd gives u workouts to do following an instructer and other pregnant ladies.. you can do this whilst pregnant and after pregnancy too.
it keeps you active whilst u work at ur own pace. i was really happy with it, and had no probs with weight afterwards.
Two things to cut out, fat and salt. If you can be disciplined and avoid prepared foods like TV dinners and pizzas, cook your own meats (trimming the fat), fish and poultry (no skin) and roast veggies to bring out the flavor, you should do well.Here's an example of what can be done: Lemon butter chicken. For each large frying pan of chicken parts use 2/3 stick butter and 2 tablespoons lemon juice. Cover and simmer over low heat turning occasionally for 25 minutes or until done. If liquid runs out, add water but no more lemon juice. Remove the fat from the pan juice and thicken with flour water for gravy. You can play with this by letting the liquid run down so the chicken skin browns a bit, or you can use dark meat and remove the skin from the start. When I do something like that, I'll still throw the skin into the pan to cook what flavor I can out of it. That gravy is wonderful over mashed potatoes, and it can be done without a bit of salt and all the fat removed. It's rare to make anything chicken without salt because it gets so bland, but this is an exception.Soup is loaded with salt and best avoided. I started playing with the Asian concept of hot and sour (some kind of pepper and vinegar combined). I have sodium sensitive high blood pressure and should keep my weight right where it is now, so these are a few tactics I use. Garlic roasted completely soft doesn't seem to make me smell (I've asked people) but the texture is like lumps of fat and it's rather bland, so there's another possibility I have to play around with.You won't stay in bounds by exercising, especially as your pregnancy progresses. What goes in has to be good stuff. I'm learning how to make veggies much more satisfying than they are when you simply throw them in a pot of boiling water. At the very least wrap those veggies in foil, drizzle with a little olive oil (or sesame oil or something even more exotic) and stuff it in the toaster oven. I found out that's good for those veggie side dishes, and toaster ovens are cheap. If you don't have one already, check the thrift shops. Give yourself an occasional treat to encourage and celebrate your progress. One with what you crave, even if it's fat and salt. OCCASIONALY.Congratulations and best wishes.
Great post! I totally understand how you feel. I'm also trying to lose weight and I found this great product which is working for me. You can check the website at , they give you a free trial of Hoodia, a free diet guide, and a free recipe booklet. You only pay $7.99 shipping and handling. Best of luck!

How can i lose weight while nursing?

I am 5'1" , 21 yrs old and 160 lbs. I want to lose weight bc it is effecting my blood pressure. I dont have a lot of energy sometimes to keep up with my 15 month daughter and i'm always embarassed to go in public. Any advice? Please keep in mind that i am nursing. Thank you all!
you can try some exercise cd'd or videos at home regularly, it helps, good luck

How can I lose weight when I am taking Zoloft?

I started gaining weight when i started taking the medicine Zoloft, now it seems I cannot lose it no matter how I try.
I hate to be blunt, but you can't. I've been on SSRIs for many years, and gained roughly 60 lbs. My doctor and I have tried everything (low cal. low carb, weight training and strenuous cardio) with no results. The problem is that the SSRIs effect your body in ways other than just improving mood. Not everyone gains weight on SSRIs, but for those of us that do... let's just say it really comes on fast and in massive quantities. My suggestion is to speak with your doctor about perhaps trying a different class of medications... There are some out there that don't cause weight (wellbutrin is one example...)I've written other posts about this, so you might find some other information there if you do a search... Good luck to you.

How can i lose weight quickly and easily?

Im going to the prom in about 6 weeks but i want to look my best and i was wondering if you had any tips on how to lose weight quickly and easily while keeping in with a holiday and my GCSE's.
I do not know if you are over weighted or not.Try the following according to your present weight.1) Nutrition:
Avoid or reduce fatty foods and sugar intake (watch your drinks there is a lot of sugar in many of them. Avoid or reduce alcohol intake. Avoid or reduce white bread, white rice, %26 pastry.
Have: fruit, veggies (by the ton), lean meat, fish, whole grain products, etc. and 2 liters of water a day. 2) Do cardio two times a week for 30 minutes.
Whatever you can do and like to do; walk, jog, cycle, swim, dance, etc. Just make sure you keep your heart rate up for 30 minutes twice a week.3) Toning.
Get firm muscles, they will burn the fat in your body. Work them out twice a week.
From light weight to any other form of resistence exercise you can do and like: crunces, squats, push ups, sit ups, etc.
You need to feel taht your muscles have worked, taht they are tired, but not exhausted or in pain.
Try a really good brand of's a cactus that helps control hunger
try this site to see if it is something that would suit you
Depends how much you have to lose...the most sensible way, and to ensure you don't put it back on afterwards, is to reduce your calorie intake and take more exercise. You should lose around 2lbs a week. However, I think you want to be losing more than that. The only thing I can suggest would be meal replacement shakes for breakfast and lunch and then a proper meal of around 600 cals in the evening and maybe fruit as snacks in between.
eat all ur main meals but in tiny portions and dont snack!!
start eating healthy%26lt;%26lt;vegies ..good meals%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;...find a fitness center and mork out some every day
chop an arm off?
there is no quick way except to go for liposuction...unless u eat less or way less ...
Stay away from salt totally that will prevent you from bloating. Most foods already contain salt, don't add extra. If you get a craving for junk food drink a full glass of water and wait 5 minutes to see if you still crave. Try to reduce your calorie intake as much as possible and balance it out with some cardio. Do not let yourself eat after 6:30 pm (your metabolism slows down) Hoodia is a good appetite suppressant as long as you buy real hoodia this ranges from 40-60 dollars. If you buy the cheap kind it is not full hoodia. Do not quench your appetite completely your body needs food, and will start to store it if you starve yourself.
This question sets off somewhat of an alarm when hearing it.The question lies on wether you are REALLY over weight or not.However if you are truily over weight Ive used the Slim n Six excercize video.It also includes an eating guide to keep you on the right track , menues and such A google search will help you find the product,also E-bay cheaper.
i find a diet of protien and vegetables good maybe the odd jacket spud ...most important eat regularly and try not to eat to much junk food.slimming world is a great diet if you have chance to join a club .red plan being best for quick weight loss

How can i lose weight off this area of my body?

i have very ugly and gross fat on my upper arms!! my forearms are normal, but fat hangs off the top lol sounds gross.. any ideas on how to get rid of it?
Doing cardio exercises will burn fat from all over your body. Do a search online for tricep exercises (there are several and most use a dumb bell) to tone that muscle back there. Depending on how big your arms were, you may or may not be able to completely firm that area...if you are left with more jiggle than you like, you may need the arm equivalent of a tummy tuck to remove excess flabby skin that won't tighten back up (as we age, it's harder to firm up).
You can't spot reduce! Get rid of more overall body fat, and this should shrink as well. Doing a ton of tricep stuff will just make the triceps bulge out under the fat, and make the fat stick out even more.
uhmmm thats weird....
everyone has itmy friend and i say yuu should excersize and lift weights :[
work out. focus on arm toning. that usually does the trick.

How can I lose weight off my theighs?

So I've got a thin face, thin arms, thin torso, then calfs. The only place that I have fat is in my theighs and buttocks, but I don't know how to lose weight off them, running only seems to excercise my calfs.
continue running, but try to concentrate on taking longer strides.
Doing squats will also help.
Drink a lot of water, limit sweets, and eat healthily. this helps :) Good luck !
if u go to gym see if they have those like arobic classes, like the cardio kickbox or something similar they work ur whole legs out beautifully and its fun!

How can i lose weight in one week?

depends how much you want to lose. you can maybe lose 4-6 lbs
I suggest you do the three day diet that makes you lose ten pounds in three days. Worked for me.
cut out all soda's and junk food. Stay away from anything fried. Eat sandwhiches with very little condiments and drink plenty of water. Snack on fruit. Eat healthy cereals with little sugar like total. It may be bland but you can get results . You can eat lots of greens too. Stay away from bacon though.
First of all, start exercising. If you already do, add about 20 minutes onto your workout if not more. Make a daily routine that you can stick to.3,500 calories is one pound. So cut calories accordingly to reach your goal. Be reasonable though, starving yourself won't help.Give up coffee and soda. Water and tea need to become your best friend. Not only do they help with your metabolism, but often times dehydration can be mistaken for hunger, which won't help you lose any weight.Pick up some lighter calorie snacks to hold you over imbetween meals. My personal reccomendations: Light and Fit Yogurt (only 60 calories and it lots of yummy flavors) and really anything made by Glenda's. Their soy crisps are incredible, 70 calories a serving and 9/10 grams of protein in lots of flavors.Switch to soy milk, or even better yet, light soy milk. High in protein, low in calories. Try Splenda or another artificial sweetner in place of sugar to save you some more calories.Look for high protein foods in general. They keep you full longer and will aid your weight loss.Also, try green tea supplements. They don't have huge results, but they are helpful and very good for you, loaded with antioxidants and they boost your metabolism. Mega-T makes a great spearmint green tea chewing gum that's great for fighting off cravings and has the health benefits of 2 cups of green tea per piece.Good luck!
If u want to lose weight faster.
You should learn more information.
Uncorrect method can make
you tire and waste lots of time but do not lose weight.There is a Calorie calculate programe Daily Calorie Calculate
%26lt;-- Loss CalculatorIn
%26lt;-- Loss CalculatorKg
%26lt;-- Calorie Calculate
%26lt;-- Needs Calculator
%26lt;-- CalculatorKg
%26lt;-- CalculatorIn
%26lt;-- want to get fit and/or lose weight, here's my Weight Loss Program through Body Building and Nutrition. It works! First, don't Use Diet Pills. They are bad for you. Most of them are just a scam or they are addictive. Counting calories is a pain in the neck. It will drive you nuts. But, losing weight is simple. You just have to do the right things.
(If you are older and have not exercised in many years you should see your doctor and have a stress test done to be sure your heart is ok before starting this program. Also, walking eveyday is a good lifelong practice.)There are some ideas for losing weight
It lists a great many information such as1. How to Drop Pound-Packing Habits ;
2. Diet-Busting Foods That May Surprise You ;
3. How to Lose the Last 10 Pounds ;
4. Rev Up Your Metabolism ;
5. Lighten Up Your Favorite Recipes ;
6. Healthy Snacks for Your Diet ;
7. Portion Distortion ;
8. Starting a Successful Diet ;
9. Related Guide: How to Eat Out on a Diet ;
10. Watch Out for these Diet Danger Zones ;
11. The Art of Healthy Snacking ;
12. Managing Your Hunger ;
13. Test Your Portion Size IQ ;
14. Can a High-Protein Diet Help You Lose Weight? ;
15. The Skinny on Diet Scams -
16. Can Fad Diets Work? ;
17. The 3-Hour Diet 2
18. Choosing a Weight Loss Plan ;
19. 5 Weight Loss Myths ;
20. Setting Realistic Weight Loss Goals ;
21. Ready to Lose Weight? ;
22. How Many Calories Should You Eat? ;
23. Do You Really Need to Lose Weight? ;
24. Calculate your daily calorie needs ;
and so on

How can i lose weight in my stomache area in 2 weeks if im not really all that fat there?

The only thing that helps lose "fat" is cardio cardio cardio, and cutting back on food while remaining at about 1200-1500 calories a day. No exercises really can target a specific area to lose fat deposits, its basically genetically pre-dispositioned/
do some jogging
crunches and try not to eat that much fat
Do a lot of ab exercises. V-ups hollow holds, and lots of sit-ups. Get a friend to join you and it won't seem as hard of a work out.
there is a layer of fat over your stomach muscles... so if that layer of fat is not very thick the only thing you can really do is work on the muscles. I would say that you should do crunches.
I'm guessing you're talking about muscle toning, vs losing weight. Wight loss is slow if done right, maybe a pound or two a week. You can buff up a bit by working out, but two weeks is a very short time to see drastic results.
ok umm two weeks is OKAY, but not really long enough if you want best results... like the others said, sit-ups are great and eat foods that dont hav much fat.basically a 30 minute work out everyday 5 days a week, you can actually have affect on your body, but try to start small and concentrate on that area. grab a buddy to help, make it fun, and to have a little compitition to push you harder!
Burn more calories through exercise than you take in. Find an activity you like to do, for me it's dancing. Don't starve yourself though. Not eating causes your body to go into 'starvation mode', which will cause you to start storing more fat. Keeping your metabolism up will help you burn more calories. One way to do that is by eating 5-6 small meals rather than 3 full meals. This will keep your body from going into starvation mode. Stay hydrated by drinking at least 64 oz of water a day.

How can i lose weight in a week can u plz give me a recipe plz thx?

your really cant lose much weight in a week. You can only lose 2-5 lbs, and even % is on the high side. You need more time. Diet and exercise work well. try to get active for an hour every day.
strap some garbage bags on and go for a jog every day.
grapefruit diet.
how much weight are you looking to loose. It is unhealthy to crash diet the best way to loose any weight is to eat healthy and exercise regularly
How is it possible. You are askiing a hard thing. Everything need time. Your body too. If you really want. Cut out totally on Carbo, just take fruit juices (just liquid) and veg. Else if you have money. Try on Herballife drinks. Your body need time to react... aiyooooJennifer
You cannot do anything healthy within a week. For better results that are healthy, I like: "Fit for Life," by Harvey and Marylin Diamond. You can find it on line very cheaply.
Stay healthy, be smart.
The 3-Day Diet:While the 3-Day Diet is an effective way to lose weight, remember that individual weight loss may vary, but most people will lose 10 pounds in three days following the said diet. As with any weight loss program, sensible eating habits will contribute to overall weight loss. It聛fs also important not to take a snack in between meals.1st DayBreakfast
black coffee or tea
1/2 grapefruit
1 slice of toast
2 tbsps. peanut butterLunch
1/2 cup of tuna
1 slice of toast
coffee or teaDinner
2 slices any type of meat (about 3 oz.)
1 cup string beans
1 cup peas or carrots
1 small apple
1 cup lowfat frozen yogurt2nd Day
1 egg
1/2 banana
1 slice of toast
black coffee or teaLunch
1 cup of cottage cheese
5 saltine crackersDinner
1 skinless chicken breast
1 cup broccoli
1/2 cup carrots
1/2 banana
1/2 cup lowfat frozen yogurt3rd Day
5 saltine crackers
1 slice of cheddar cheese
1 small apple
black coffee or teaLunch
1 hard-boiled egg
1 slice of toastDinner
1 cup of tuna
1 cup of peas or carrots
1 cup of cauliflower
1/2 cantaloupe
1/2 cup lowfat frozen yogurtThe diet works on chemical breakdowns and has been proven effective. Do not vary or substitute any of the above foods. No other seasoning should be used except salt and pepper. Where no quantity is given, there are no restrictions other than common sense. This diet is to be used three days at a time. Fluid consumption is important. You may have all the coffee, tea, or water that you want. If possible, drink at least eight glasses of water daily. Artificial sweetener and lemon may be used. Refrain from drinking any cola or other carbonated beverages during the three-day diet because the carbonation will slow down the chemical breakdown.In three days, you can lose up to 10 pounds. After three days of dieting, you may eat normal food, but do not overdo it. After your four days of normal eating, go back to your 3-Day Diet. As with any diet, contact your physician, and get his advice concerning exercise and fluid intake.
To lose weight in a week, you can do it by dieting - take a little breakfast, a little lunch, but not taking dinner - and go to bed early. No snacks, no sweet stuff, no late night TVs because you will feel hungry when you watch TV.Exercising will make you want to eat more but that's not what you want to do in a week for the purpose of loosing weight (only).

How can i lose weight if i hardly eat and i take birth control i dont have time to exercise?

drink more water.and of course you have time to exercise
there are 24 hours in a day and you dont have a half an hour?Can you go for a walk on your lunch break?If you have cable there are alot of free on demand exercise videos.I know it seems impossible , but if you exercise you will actually have more energy.
As far as birth control pills causing weight gain thats only 5-10 lbs at the most. I tried to get my md to change mine because i thought there was a problem and he said it doesnt make that big a diff, unless you just have 10 lbs to lose.
Eating too little can actually slow down your metabolism. Id reccomend eating a little something every few hours.Id also not skip breakfast. That can slow things down too. Good luck.
1st cut down on the chocolate coated cheesecakes
"Don't have time" is the worst excuse in the world. You make time for things that are important to you.
Drink lots of water before meals and watch ur daily calories. U could always wake up a little earlier to go for a walk!
You won't.If you don't eat,your brain thinks the body is going into starvation mode and will hang onto every calorie.Eat to lose.Small meals every three hours.This method keeps the metabolism going and your body will burn more calories.Birth control pills should have no affect on weight loss.Drink as much water as possible.this helps tremendously
Birth control pills do not affect your weight! They MAY have when they originally came out in the 40'or50's. But that is such a common myth that women choose to use instead of looking at their own life style choices. You yourself said they you do not exercise, maybe that has something to do with it! My doctor once told me that every time a patient tries to claim the pill is making her gain weight she ask about her eating and exercising habits, and guess what? Ones habits are always the reason!Further more, there is not any miracle way of being thin and being in shape (unless your part of the 1% of the population who was born that way). It's a lifestyle choice. And if you cannot make time in your life to eat healthy (yes you have to eat), and to get any exercise into your life (even if it's just 30 minutes a day), then you will never reach your goals. You have to have your mind in the right place before your body will follow.
go on a water diet,dink nothing but water.That means no soda,juice,coffee,or anything but water.That's what I did and lost a lot of weight.
find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)

How can i lose weight fast? and how many calories equals 1 pound?

i walk 10 min and run 35 min then walk 5 more min. after that i do 150 crunches and 15 push ups and a little bit of other stuff. its so hard for me to resist food i love it. what can i do to resist? am i over weight i'm 5'3 and weight 141. how can i lose weight fast?
well it took you time to put it on, and it will take time to take it off. Do not look for a fast fix. Find something you can live with. Realize your body is a machine that needs fuel to run. calories in, and calories out. Don't' skimp, and run the risk of health problems for the next 20-30 years.
You sound like you are working very hard. A good cardio-vascular workout as you are doing, varied with muscle work out will do you good. Cut down the sizes of the servings that you enjoy, and again, find a place you can live for a few decades. Fast off, faster to come back and harder to get rid of.So, find the diet you can live with, and look into it further. Keep up the exercise and go for it!
Firstly, 141 is not overweight for 5'3. You're still in the acceptable BMI range. Secondly, there is no fast way to lose weight. You need to eat less, but not starve yourself, and exercise often. You will see results if you stick to a healthy diet of whole grains, vegetables, and lean meats/proteins, and lots of water! There's no magic way to lose fat, and considering you're only 14 I wouldn't try "dieting" without consulting a doctor first.
Nice job and keep it up! =] about 3,600 calories equal a pound!
A pound is equilivant to 3,500 calories.
3500 calories equate 1 pound
Define 'fast'. A HEALTHY rate of weight loss is no more than 4-5 pounds per month, and may not sound like much, but over a year, that is 48-60 pounds. One pound equals 3500 calories, so if you eat 500 fewer calories per day, then over 7 days, you will lose 1 pound. There are a few things you can do...first, eat more frequent, but SMALLER meals throughout the day. Aim for 3 small meals plus 2 snacks per day. This keeps your metabolism working throughout the day and prevents your body from 'thinking' it is starving, which causes you to hold on to more fat (stored calories). Also, start doing some weight training 3x per week. Add 1-2 sets of 12-15 repetitions for each body part, and do this every other day, 3x per week. Then you can do your running at a pace where you can comfortably talk while running. There is a difference between doing 'cardio' and doing a 'fat-burning' workout. So run at a slower pace for at least 20 minutes after your weight workout, and at least 30-45 minutes on your non-weightlifting days. If you are doing 150 crunches, you are not doing them correctly. You should really only be able to do 10-15 crunches before it REALLY hurts (in a good way). Check with a trainer or online to see how to do them properly (with video/pictures). You don't have to 'resist' food. You are SUPPOSED to eat. You just have to make better choices, and this becomes easier the more you workout. Choose whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies, avoid anything processed as much as possible, eat leans cuts of meat (fish, chicken with no skin, egg whites), and stay away from DAIRY !
I found a great way to lose weight fast and keep it off. I do body cleansing. I lost 13 pounds in 9 days and then 28 pounds in less than a month. Cleansing will help the body get rid of impurities. Impurites come from a lot of things like fast food, pollution, food additives and preservatives etc. The impurities get stored in the fat in our body. To shrink the fat, we have to get rid of the impurities by cleansing. This made sense to me and I decided to try a cleanse program and it worked. The weight came off fast and this kept me motivated to keep going, not like other diets where the weight loss it too slow. To learn more call the toll free number 1-877-587-4647 or check out the website. Cleansing was good for me. Good luck whatever you decide to do!
You don't really want to lose to fast because it will come back. I only wish I weighed that, I did once. I am the same height as you. I recently read a part of a book that claimed to help you lose 30 pounds in thirty days, if you want to ignore what I just said, I am thinking of trying it out. Its called the diet cure. They have it at walmart, Let me give you the basics I remember from reading about the first phase, there are several phases. !st, it says to eat a bigger size, healthy breakfast, and don't eat past 6 pm. Drink allot of water, Someone suggested to drink the amount in ounces of half your weight, for you that would be 70 oz. Water is best, avoid caffeine, and soda. It also suggested that you get 15 colonic by a professional within a thirty day period, But do not do this as that could be dangerous and upset your electrolyte balance. People have died from too many colonics or enemas. A few would be good, and a good fasting bowel cleansing would be a good idea to start you out. The other suggestions were to eat organic foods, only spring water,no tap water, two apples a day, two grapefruit a day, more vegetables and whole grains, no refined food,etc. Healthy eating. There is a tea to drink but I can't remember what it was. You also are supposed to eat a cayenne pepper daily. I had real good success with a diet that was supposed to cure you of sugar addiction and over eating. It focused on eliminating wheat and sugar and other things from your diet, no sugar, no refined foods, whole foods, etc. It was great, but it's hard to stick to. Good luck to you on losing that last little bit, you are doing the right thing by exercising. I have been on a million diets and have exercised my but off off and on my whole life, I lose then gain then lose, but that's my fault because I can't stick to it, and you have to. Oh, one good fast, its hard though, is the lemonade fast, only do it for one week, but it can clean your kidneys and and help you kick start your weight loss, and basically clean you inside out. What you do is take real lemons, real maple syrup, organic is best, and cayenne pepper and water. It's two T lemon juice, 2T to 1T of maple syrup, and a pinch of cayenne pepper in 8 oz of water to equal 10 oz. Drink this all day for one week. You can find more info on the cure zone, for other healing fasts that can help you lose weight and be healthier.