Saturday, August 8, 2009

How can i lose weight easily without spending money?

im 14 and im 130 pounds i guess... i want to lose weight.. they say i'm beautiful but i'm just fat.. how can i lose it without spending money?
what are the foods that i should ang shouldn't eat? pls help me... thanks. i really want to lose weight
Eat less fatty food like junkfood. Eat more veggies %26 fruit. Excercise more often like taking a jog every morning before school.. that will help you improve mental vitality too for the day.Weight loss is all a matter of will power. You must have a 'want to lose weight attitude'
Become anorexic.You're 14. FOURTEEN. Worry about that cute guy a few lockers away from you, not your weight.
just exercise a lot and eat food that is good for you and doesn't have a lot of calories in it (say goodbye to the drumstick)
run every morning and drink water and dont eat greasy foods=)
Kudos to that first post. Its so true.a)130 lbs isnt that much
b)you are 14...your body is going to change A LOT over the next year or so and who could just naturally end up stretching out
c)if you are really concerned, just try to eat healthy foods - like not too much fast food. But really. DONT DIET!
Eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies every day and small amounts of lean meats. Do not eat diet food aka food and drinks that contain artificial sweetners. Get plenty of exercise and be sure to eat 3 meals a day with a high protein snack between meals. Drink lots of water.
taking more fiber foods n fruits,make sure you got motions everydays!
massaging ur stomach when bath,can help to burn out the fats.
most important!never over eating,when u feel 70%full that's enough!no junk foods also my lady!
1. Cut out pop (don't drink your calories)
2. Snack all day - 6 smaller meals is better than 3 larger ones because your metabolism will not slow down as it keeps getting energy.
3. EAT BREAKFAST - Jump Starts your Metabolism in the morning
4.Eat What you Normally do, just a little less
5. Exercise - Find something fun you like doingHere is a link to help manage your calorie intake and other goals: (its free!)
You should just eat smaller portions more times a day. Eat stuff like yogurt, fruit, low fat granola bars (Kashi Dark Chocolate Cherry are great), you are young you will lose weight fast. If you just go for a walk/jog for about 30 mins a day, you will lose some weight. You should eat like a bowl of oatmeal and a banana for breakfast, have a yogurt as a snack before lunch. A bowl of soup and a sandwich for lunch. Maybe some baked lays for a snack, have some chicken and grilled veggies for dinner, and for a snack before bed, a glass of low fat mil and a granola bar. I had 2 kids, and I'm quite older than you, and I lost the extra pounds in about 3 months. Don't concentrate on it too much though, because becoming anorexic and bulimic is very easy at that age. it happened to me, and I still suffer with it. Being pregnant and having to eat and take care of myself was very hard. It's hard to get over once you start.
the most effective and healthiest way to lose weight is, as you probably know, exercise. unfortunately, the reason it's hard to burn fat with exercise is that the body, when exercising, burns fat after other stuff, like carbs.dont be desperate to do harmful things to yourself to lose fat fast, like trying to sweat a LOT or depriving yourself of water or buying those worthless merchandise you see on tv. most of them are harmful and you gain the weight back again. it's called weight cycling.a tip for you is to not eat foods right before going to bed. this causes you to overload on calories that you can't burn off. weight change is caused by the differences in how much calorie you take in and burn out (higher intake than output = weight gain, lower intake than output = weight loss). so if you eat right before going to bed, you're intaking calories that you are not gonna burn off, causing weight gain.also, eat breakfast. the myth that skipping breakfast helps you lose weight is totally false. eating breakfast gets your metabolism and body moving, giving you more energy to move throughout the day and helps your body break down foods healthy, exercise, and be less lazy in everyday activities down to the smallest things.
Good foods are: All fruits, vegetables, meats, and MILK. Bad foods are most breads, pastas, cheeses, candy , %26 SODA. Avoid snacking (eat a piece of fruit- if you HAVE to), and TRY to exercize at least an hour each day (even walking the Mall is better than nothing). If you lose this weight for YOUR SELF, "other" important people will notice too. Good luck. :)
As you don't say how tall you are its hard to know if you are really over weight or suffering from a self esteem problem. Look up what your weight should be for your height and build and if you are overweight then cut down on chips (fries?) crisps (chips?), biscuits (cookies?), cakes and that sort of thing. Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables if you can and exercise loads. Skipping (jump rope?) is a great way to burn calories and keep fit, swimming is great too if you are near a pool/lake.Sorry about all the brackets but I'm guessing you are in the US, I'm in the UK and I'm not totally sure of the 'translations' between the two countries. :-)
It's a simple solution, but takes dedication and patience in order for it to work. You need to cut your calories (eat less), and exercise regularly. Eat chicken and fish instead of red meat. Snack on fruits and vegetables instead of things like chips and crackers. Tell your parents that you are interested in eating healthier, and they may be less likely to bring home junk. Plus, they may be able to help you come up with a diet plan. Good luck :o)
Stay away from fried foods...bake, broiled or grilled is best. Stop munching on'a and fast food. Drink lots of water. Avoid sweet soda's and sweet foods..candy..cake etc. and get exercise and you will lose weight. Save all that snack money for a new outfit for when your've lost all that weight!! Do not starve yourself..The best way to lose weight is a change in eating habits..So take it slow and u will be fine!!
Hello I love pink, I remember how it feels to be 14 and over weight and I also know how you feel about not wanting to spend much money... My advice is to exercise e.g. walking at a pace that makes you puff but still able to hold a conversation. ( don't go walking on your own, just for you own safety, have a friend or family with you, working together even if the other person isn't over weight they still need to exercise too ) Do step ups any thing that uses energy, use weights - use a couple of bottles of plastic bottles filled with water or sand- dirt, skipping is good. Don't do running, not good for your knees and that doesn't burn fat either. No fried foods, if you want to go to Mcdonalds etc with friends then have the salads but not the sauces. Also when you are looking at low fat foods make sure they don't have too much sugar. You must drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, have a glass of water before your meals so you feel a little full already and eat slowly that gives you brain time to know you have had food. Cut your sugar out where you can e.g. sugar in tea/coffee or on your breakfast cereal. You can eat pleanty of salad and things like that, munch on a carrot if you want some thing to eat. The other thing too is if you do want to eat have a glass of water then, and go find some thing else to do to take your mind off eating, boredom makes you think of eating. Eat more vegetables than fruit because fruit has a lot of sugar in it too, so no fruit juice as that gives you a lot more sugar and you lose the fibre if it is juiced. Cut your carbs down but you still have to have enough to give you the energy to exercise.Don't try to lose all of your weight too fast and plan it in stages otherwise it will seem a too big a task. If you really want some thing that you think you shouldn't have just have a little taste don't try and never have any think like that again because life isn't like that and you will just give up. You must never give up, some times you will take 2 steps forward then one step back when that happens don't give up on yourself. Talk to your parent / gardien and ask them to help and support you in the food they cook you. I hope all goes well for you, just keep positive and good luck
Do u really want to lose weight? This !00% assurance and no money involve. Nor no money back guarantee whatsoever. Is very simple but u must follow instructions carefully. Abstain from food. No one in this world grow fat without fooooooddd..!!

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