Wednesday, August 5, 2009

How can i lose lose weight on my stomach,love handles,arms,and legs?

can someone help me i want to look good
You can't spot reduce, meaning you cannot pick and choose where body fat will stay or go. When you lose fat you lose it all over the place. You may lose a little of your chest, butt, etc, before you lose all the things listed above. This is the way it works. Begin by eating right. Eating right doesn't mean eating nothing. You must eat to lose weight, but you have to eat the right things. Exercise will help as well.
a miracle
Excersize - one meal a day - vitamin water
Healthy food and minimum 1 hour sport
There is no way to spot-reduce fat, but intense cardio workout (where you are meeting your target heart rate zone) is when you lose the most weight.
The best way is to do general cardio, like running or biking. Aerobics classes are great for all around weight loss. There are site-specific exercises that you can do, such as sit-ups, squats, and triceps curls but nothing beats cardio for burning off fat.
Hi Shay. Try changing your nutrition a bit. Consume more fiber rich foods up to 35 grams, and increase protein consumption. This will satiate you longer so you don't crave unnecessarily. begin working out if you haven't already to increase the calorie and fat burning process. The more calories you burn compared to the amount of calories you consume will assure weight loss success.
Exercise, Exercise,exercise. Nearly 1 to 3 miles a day if you do not have any medical cond.advising against it.
+ Lots of vegetables which has v. low caloric value. Avoid Fatty foods, take less carbohydrates.
Generally Fat gives 9 calories per Gm.,while protein and carbohydrates about 4 .
Eating right and exercise with patience- as a lifestyle.
"Targeting" certain areas doesn't work. Especially if we are not losing body fat through a healthy lifestyle.I threw "targeting" and "dieting" out the window a long time ago. I suggest committing to a healthy lifestyle, or be prepared to be on a roller coaster ride (unless you have an awesome metabolism and super genetic pre-disposition towards being thin and toned).Too many Americans have an inordinate care about their bodies during "swimsuit" season, while they need to place the emphasis on overall health and longevity.I guess it might be easier for Hawaiians, because it's always "swimsuit" season.

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