Saturday, August 8, 2009

How can I lose weight without cutting down on what I eat?

I've tried cutting down on sweets, but it just never works. I always make up some excuse. How can I lose 10 pounds if I weigh 180 without cutting down on what i eat too much. I don't want to hear about weight loss pills or surgery.
Well, if you don't want to cut back on what you eat, then the diet process is going to be slower, and you need to excercise more than the people who are willing to cut back on food.If you're going to try to cut back on what you eat, dont cut back drastically in a short period of time. Just start eating less each day.Some of the mistakes people make is that they say "Yes. im going to do it this time. Lose ten pounds! Yea! " and they just suddenly start eating nothing but salad. Then, they get hungry and end up stuffing.So just cut back little by litte, and it will gradually cut back on how much you eat.Same with excercising. Gradually,, little by little.
There is only one way that your body will lose weight. You have to burn more calories than you take in. have two basic choices. Either decrease the amount of calories you are taking in, or increase the amount of calories you are burning. Don't be taken in by claims of people who tell you that you can take their product (whatever it is) and lose weight without dieting OR exercise. They are lying to you!. Probably the best way to lose weight would be to start to make healthier food choices and begin to exercise - doing both a little at a time. Seek out people who can help you and give you support. It will be easier to do it that way than on your own. Good luck and best wishes.
You can eat the same amount, just make them healthier choices. Have a fruit salad rather than a bag of chips, and youve automatically cut a lot of calories and made a huge difference nutritionally. Find healthy replacements for the foods that you eat (switch from white bread to wheat, whole milk to skim, etc etc)

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