Wednesday, August 5, 2009

How can I lose inches and not pounds? I really want to tone more than lose a lot of weight.?

Here's a non-spam answer. You really do a combination of slight cardio and more weight training. You still want to loose the fat. You are just looking to add muscle. The muscle is more visible when there is less fat between the skin and muscle.
if u wana loose weight and become slim switch to detox diets.for detox diets open and there open the pink color links for detox diet recipes and tip s that will help u loose weight at home without exercising
Yeah...go you...that is how you are supposed to think...I loved the Abs diet because it focused on easy curcuit training and good food...Sonoma diet also has great recipes
I just had my second child and am losing inches and lovin it...
if u wana loose weight and become slim switch to detox diets.for detox diets open and there open the pink color links for detox diet recipes and tip s that will help u loose weight at home without exercising
proper diet and's the best way. don't go for diets. they fail in the long run. my mission in life is to help as many people as i can. if you want the best advice and tips that will get you on the right on my profile and email or instant me...I'll help you and let you know all the things that experts charge money for.

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